Sunday, October 29, 2006

The unexpected result of enemy prayer

I know, I've been horrible about posting here lately. Chalk it up to being busy, being stressed, and well, having a few things in my heart really challenged lately.

I've been praying for a couple we know that in a lot of ways, have been our enemies. One half of the couple is now becoming a close friend-again. The thing about this couple is that they're in the midst of a very nasty divorce. And I do mean nasty. However, a few days ago, the person we're in contact with started asking us about reconciliation, and if there was anything we could do.

Insert jaw on the floor.

God's been working on my heart on this one, and the thing that I didn't expect is that this person, who's That Man's friend, and I have been talking. And clearing some past junk out of our relationship. Crazy stuff.

And while this person has since indicated a hesitancy towards reconciliation, the one thing that has happened is that this person is seeking God again. Amazing stuff.

Maybe it's our prayers, and maybe it's not. But it has created in me an urgency to keep praying. There is so much healing needed in both of these folks lives that I just pray and pray and pray that they will draw closer to God and be healed by the master healer.


Blogger Camy Tang said...

Wow, that's amazing! Praise God!

11:34 PM  
Blogger Danica Favorite said...

Thanks Camy. Sadly, it's gone the other way now, but we're still praying.

11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praised lord..praise the kindness that he give..forgive our sins n keep protecting us..amen

8:55 PM  

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