Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Low Idiot Tolerance

I know, how un-pc of me. But for those who've known me any length of time, I have such a low tolerance for idiots. And maybe, those are enemies I need to be praying for.

I was thinking about my last post-friends bent on self destruction, and I realized that I have such a hard time loving them through it. I know it's the right thing to do, and I know I should be doing it, but honestly, I just sit there and want to throttle them.

A friend of mine posed a question about whether or not it was possible for God to be disappointed in us. I said yes. He gives us the free will to choose whatever we would like to choose, but we don't always choose right. I think that when we choose wrong, He is disappointed in us. He doesn't love us any less, but He is disappointed with the decision.

I pray that I will get past my low tolerance of what I think are idiots. I have one friend being so stupid in the decisions he's making right now that I can't even bear to talk to him, I'm so angry. I see how badly he's hurting himself and I wish he would just wake up and stop already. It's so hard to sit back and watch. I pray that God will give me some of the strength He uses when we do things that are so heinously offensive to Him, yet He still manages to give all of His love without holding back. It is during those times when we need it the most. Knowing this, I pray that I can still be there, in love, no matter what the person is doing.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Long overdue

I'm sorry about the lack of posts on this blog. I haven't had much to say in this department, though. I haven't been able to think of anything to really inspire in regards to enemies.

However, tonight, I realized some things about enemies that really hit hard. What happens when the enemy is inside?

I have a friend going through a really rough divorce. And while he could have had a much easier time, he ended up ruining it for himself. As he told me the latest installment tonight, my heart broke. I realized that he now stands absolutely no chance of winning, and will most likely lose his son. Not because he is a bad person, or a bad parent, but because he's his own worst enemy. He has a good heart, but unfortunately, he lets his emotions take over and rational thought leaves his brain. Granted, he isn't some sort of homicidal maniac or anything like that, but he ends up saying and doing some pretty dumb things.

I am hurting so bad for him, because he's destroying his life, though he thinks he's saving it.

When we pray for our enemies, we must also be mindful to pray for ourselves. To pray that God would save us from those self destructive aspects of our personalities that would make a bad situation worse. We think we're helping or doing the right thing, but what we really need is the wisdom to do what is really right, even if it's hard.